Federations, Associations, Clubs and members of the aforementioned.
National Code of Practice
At the direction of the Australian Minister for Agriculture, a review of animal health in Australia is the reason for the existence of the ANRPB & the basis of interaction between the ANRPB and government, semi-government and third-party welfare organisations (RSPCA etc) by Animal Health Australia.
Animal Health Australia would not deal with state-based Federations, Associations and Clubs in reviewing animal health/welfare issues– only with a national body – hence the formation of the Australian National Racing Pigeon Board.
The Australian National Racing Pigeon Board (ANRPB) is providing the National Code of Practice for the keeping and flying of race pigeons in Australia.
The document as provided is broad-based and is intended to cover the ‘must-do’ items as required by Animal Health Australia and the generally accepted regulatory arrangements already in place in all Federations, Associations and Clubs.
It is a document that may differ in emphasis from what Federations, Associations and Clubs currently use.
Code or Practice final 2017 revised 2023
Grant Paterson update May 2021
An article headed “Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Poultry”, incorporated in Colin Walker’s May Veterinary Update in the ARPJ, makes reference to Standards and Guidelines (S&G) for pigeons.
I have since spoken to Colin who confirmed that in late March he was a recipient of a recently updated draft of the Animal Welfare S&G for Poultry. This invitation to provide feedback via public consultation has been part of a process which commenced in October 2015.
Colin suggested that I clarify the involvement of the Australian National Racing Pigeon Board (ANRPB) and, therefore, my input from October 2015. I will endeavour to be as brief as possible.—October 2015. The Australian National Pigeon Association (ANPA) , the organisation responsible for the management and welfare of show/fancy pigeons, was contacted by Canberra based Animal Health Australia (AHA) in its role as facilitator to develop nationally consistent S&G for livestock. AHA required a nominee to represent the show and racing fraternities on a Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG).
The ANPA preferred that the racing fraternity provide the nominee in view of its larger membership and potentially greater exposure to welfare matters. As the meetings of nominees were to be held in Canberra I was asked if I would represent our sport/industry on the Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG). I agreed to be the representative for the ANRPB. The show/fancy pigeon administration confirmed that they were happy with this appointment.—March 2016. The initial two day meeting of the 34 person SAG took place. The aim of this group was to develop Standards (MUST DO’S) and Guidelines (Recommendations) for Poultry primarily and other species—Quail,Emus,Ostriches,Pigeons,Partridge,Pheasants, Turkeys,Ducks,Guinea Fowl and Geese. The participants were informed that the anticipated completion date of the project would be late 2017.—August 2016. Two day SAG meeting to endorse a consultation version of the poultry S&G.— Late 2016 to mid 2017. Regular submissions via Animal Health Australia to complete an agreed draft of S&G for all species.—Late 2017 to mid 2018. A public Consultation Process which took far longer than anticipated. A massive number of submissions were received from members of the public, welfare bodies, RSPCA etc. The vast majority related to poultry. Nine submissions were received with respect to pigeons. —June 2019. A two day meeting of the SAG members was held to finalise the poultry welfare S&G. The S&G for pigeons and species other than poultry had effectively been ratified by way of regular correspondence following the Public Consultation Process. I left the June 2019 meeting believing that agreement had been reached by the Stakeholder Advisory Group members for not only pigeons, but also for other non-poultry species. There were some very contentious issues for poultry meaning that agreement could not be reached for poultry within the SAG group. As a result it became necessary to appoint an Independent Poultry Welfare Panel (Panel) to attempt to find a solution to the poultry impasse. I looked forward to early confirmation of the drafted pigeon S&G by the Panel.
—March 2021. I was more than surprised to receive a revised draft proposal for Australian Animal Welfare S&G from the Independent Poultry Welfare Panel. Surprised because there were changes to both S&G which I had believed to be “rubber stamped”. I was encouraged to submit feedback by 1 April 2021 and duly provided a lengthy, forthright submission by email on 30 March. Receipt was acknowledged on 1 April. The Panel has intention to provide Agriculture ministers with a final version of S&G by end of May 2021. The final version may well be subject to further review/amendment by people within Agriculture.
—Along the way (Mid 2017) The pigeon S&G agreed to by Stakeholder Advisory Group leading up to public consultation were made available to everyone on the ANRPB website in about mid-2017. It seemed an appropriate time to do this following much discussion, consultation and fine tuning. While at this time there was no formal confirmation of the S&G it seemed likely that there would only be minimal change if any at all.
—As at May 2021. Some 5.5 years from commencement of the process I await a response from the Panel whose decision I expect will be final. I append a small portion of my submission of 30 March 2021—“Following the June 2019 meeting I was satisfied that the draft standards and guidelines for pigeons were practical, workable and in the best interests of pigeon welfare. There were no controversial standards and guidelines, with the chapter being agreeable to the pigeon industry and others as drafted” As a responsible pigeon keeper for 50 years I cannot accept that there was any beneficial reason for the proposed changes.
It was my intention to inform all pigeon keepers of the formal approval of pigeon S&G as soon as I was advised after the June 2019 meeting.Twenty three months have since elapsed and ,as explained earlier, I am unable to relate a formal outcome.
There may be some who perceive that my communication skills are lax for not rendering updates earlier. Should that be the case then so be it.
From my perspective I felt that it would be an insult to peoples intelligence to provide repeated updates along the following lines—“Nothing concrete to report. Formal confirmation of S&G not to hand”
When I am informed of the updated S&G information by the Panel I will immediately pass that information on to the ANRPB to enable them to bring it to the attention of all pigeon keepers.For me personally it hasnt been an arduous process but clearly a lengthy one , well in excess of the initially projected 18 months.
Best wishes to pigeon enthusiasts Australia wide for a successful race/showing season.
Grant Paterson