Chair’s Annual Reports

Chair’s Annual Report for 2022


This has been an interesting year for the National Board. Some positive achievements include the inaugural National Races, collaborative contributions to the National Convention in Adelaide, and support for the AWAMO and State bodies. There are some projects still to be finalised and positive plans for the future.

SAHPA Adelaide National Convention

Unquestionably one of the highlights of the year was the Adelaide National Convention, held over four days from Friday 25th to Monday 28th of November 2022.

This National event attracted visitors from Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia and created a very positive and convivial atmosphere amongst attendees.

The educational panels on South Australian Extreme (Marathon) Distance and the Middle Distance were well received. As was Guest Speaker Melbourne Cup winning former jockey John Letts who entertained attendees at the SAHPA Presentation Dinner with his yarns about horse racing identities.

Also popular were the organised loft visits and the auction of pigeons to raise funds for the SAHPA, the ANRPB and the SAHPA Long Distance Club. Importantly, SAHPA plan to donate half the proceeds to two charities, Make-A-Wish (Kids with Cancer) and Men’s Prostate Cancer.

The event was organised by SAHPA Chairman Greg Hamilton, who was ably assisted by Grant Paterson and Gavin Harris and the SAHPA Committee of Management.

The ANRPB was pleased to be part of the event and looks forward to future events being organised Australia wide on a rotational basis.

National Races

In 2022 the Perth Racing Pigeon Federation held an ANRPB endorsed National Race from Overlander that was won by Joe Darcy.

In South Australia the National was from Cobar NSW and was won by Lee Abbott.

Unfortunately, extreme adverse weather conditions on the East Coast of Australia led to the cancellation of the NSW leg of the event whilst Victorian organisers chose not to enter.

Next year the National will be from Emmdale NSW, almost equal distance to Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide (640 to 690kms distance range) to be scheduled in late September 2023.

The ANRPB is also exploring the possibility of organising a National One Loft race for 2024 and beyond, whereby fanciers from Western Australia, Tasmania, and Queensland are able to compete on a level playing field with fanciers from New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia in a truly National event.

Australian War Animal Memorial Organisation

  • Assistance for Animals affected by the War in Ukraine: the ANRPB was pleased to support an initiative by the AWAMO to assist with the feeding and care of animals affected by the War in Ukraine.
  • National War Animal Day: an annual event at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra.
  • Education in Schools: in response to a request from the AWAMO our ANRPB Publicity Officer, Paul Gibbs, shared information with students on the role of racing pigeons in war service as part of an ANZAC Day event for the Newcastle and Hunter Combined Schools.

Board Matters

  • A Charter was developed to make the purpose and role of the ANRPB clear to all.
  • Disease Management Fund Guidelines were developed to clarify how these funds may be utilised.
  • Donation to the Victorian Racing Pigeon Body Inc. The ANRPB made a $500 donation from operational funds to the VRPB for the purpose of Herpes trials in One Loft Races. To date no results of any testing have been forthcoming from the VRPB.
  • Donation to SAHPA: the ANRPB made a $500 donation to the SAHPA as a contribution towards the cost of scheduling the recent National Conference in Adelaide.
  • Paul Gibbs is currently refining a proposal for the ANRPB to reward special achievements of outstanding Australian Racing Pigeons with ANRPB “Ace Bird of the Year Awards”. Details will be made available once finalised.

Government Recognition for the Sport of Racing Pigeons

With the change in Federal Government and a new Minister for Sport, the ANRPB’s quest to gain official government recognition for the modern-day sport of Racing Pigeons has hit a roadblock that appears insurmountable for the foreseeable future. This is an extremely disappointing outcome given the encouraging support the ANRPB received from the former Minister, Senator the Honourable Richard Colbeck.

Affiliation with the Federation Colombophile Internationale

The ANRPB is still awaiting the outcome of the application to become the Australian member of the Federation Colombophile Internationale.

National Code of Practice

The National Code of Practice has undergone an internal review and will be circulated Australia wide in 2023 for consumer feedback before being finalised.

The ANRPB would encourage all racing pigeon organisations Australia wide, to either formally adopt the National Code of Practice, or ensure that their local Code of Practice is compliant with the National Code, as a means of protecting their organisation from unwarranted external interest and of ensuring that the welfare of our valuable birds is protected.

WA Legal Assistance Fund

The ANRPB has committed its annual fundraising auction for 2023 to assist a veteran Perth WA fancier who was prosecuted by the RSPCA for sewing up an injured pigeon. Whilst the RSPCA eventually dis-continued their prosecution the aged pensioner was left with a hefty $26,000 legal bill. The ANRPB was pleased to support a proposal by George Azar, former President of the Perth Racing Pigeon Federation, to assist a gentleman of the sport.


I would like to acknowledge our ANRPB Corporate sponsors, LPM Racing Pigeon Stud and Orego-Stim Anpario. Also, to all pigeon fanciers who generously donated birds to our two fundraising auctions this year. Your valuable support helps keep the ANRPB operational.

Also, a word of appreciation to Ivan Fonti and the Pigeon Radio team, and to Jeff Howell, Editor of the Australian Racing Pigeon Journal, for their ongoing support of the National Board.

I would also like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to all members of the Board, who give of their time freely, whilst undertaking their important contributions to the workings of the National Board.

Finally, in accordance with the ANRPB Constitution that limits Office Bearers to a maximum term of 5 years, the time has come for me to express my very best wishes to the ANRPB for future endeavours and join some distinguished members in retirement.

Yours in Our Sport

Greg Kakoschke JP

President: ANRPB Inc


ANRPB December 2022 Chair’s Annual Report

ANRPB December 2021 Chair’s Annual Report

ANRPB 27th November 2020 Chair’s Annual Report

ANRPB 3rd December 2019 Chair’s Annual Report

ANRPB 20th November 2018 Chair Annual Report


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